Jubileumboek Deli-HTL

Specialist in tabaksrecycling : een jubileumboek over 50 jaar Deli-HTL Eindhoven
Dear Delians, customers, suppliers and other readers,
It is with great pride that we present for your delectation and enjoyment this jubilee book, which illustrates our 50 year history and even provides a little insight into what went on before. Deli Maatschappij, along with the American firm General Cigar, was in at the birth of Deli-HTL in 1959.
Very many people have made a major contribution towards this company. While I cannot name them all here, the name of Jos van Tuyn may certainly not go unmentioned in this foreword, since he has been a crucial factor in our history to date. I am pleased, therefore, to dedicate this book posthumously to his memory.
It is a privilege to manage Deli-HTL, a dynamic company with a very good standing in the tobacco industry. While the industry as a whole is certainly facing pressure, it continues to offer enough opportunities for people to earn a good living. In any case over the last few years we have been able yet again to produce unique, extremely good quality products for our customers, which has in its turn enabled us to achieve considerable growth.
While all Delians (this definition has been in Van Dale Dictionary for a number of years!) have played their part in the firms development, many suppliers have also helped us along the way. GP Tech is a fine example of a small, flexible supplier which has stood by us with help and advice for over 20 years.
We should also like to take this opportunity to thank our customers in particular, many of whom have been purchasing our products for several decades already and, in the process, have enabled us to reach this milestone. We are continuing along this same path and are convinced that, with the input and inventiveness of all our staff, we shall also be able to provide top quality products for our customers for a further 50 years.
Rienk Warmoltz