Jubileumboek Vanderlande

Een jubileumboek met 75 verhalen over 75 jaar Vanderlande
In 1949 startte Eddie van der Lande een fabriek voor weefmachines voor de textielindustrie. Inmiddels bestaat Vanderlande 75 jaar en is uitgegroeid tot wereldmarktleider in logistieke procesautomatisering. Dat moet gevierd worden: Pavlov maakte een feestelijk jubileumboek met 75 verhalen van voormalige en huidige collega’s. CEO Andrew Manship overhandigde het boek op 3 juni 2024 aan Norio Wakabayashi, Senior Executive Officer van Toyota Industries Corporation waar Vanderlande onderdeel van is.
Uit het voorwoord:
It is my great pleasure to present this special commemorative book to you, which we have published to mark Vanderlande’s 75th anniversary. Within these pages you will find 75 stories from 75 colleagues, both past and present. I am delighted that so many people across the Vanderlande family came forward to tell their stories. Some are amusing anecdotes that bring everyday interactions to life, while others are memories of special times or moments shared with colleagues and customers. And these are just a small fraction of the stories that are being made every day by those who work for our company. Whatever the tale being told, one thing shines through for me, and that is pride. At Vanderlande, we always go the extra mile for our customers and proudly find ways to get things done. This can only happen because of the hard work and commitment of our over 9,000 employees.
I witnessed first-hand the dedication and entrepreneurship of our teams as they worked under immense pressure to ensure Istanbul Airport opened on the agreed day. That’s my special memory (though there are many others!) because the efforts of everyone that day reflect the very best of Vanderlande. In addition, a great many stories in this book reveal a sense of camaraderie that mirrors the values the company has adopted over the years, such as “we care”, “safe base” and “teamplay”. Vanderlande is now a truly global organisation, and we are rightly known for our advanced technologies and cutting-edge solutions. However, the people who stand behind all our innovation collectively bring life to our slogan: “In a world of technology, a belief in people.” I hope you enjoy reading this book of special memories. We look forward to making many more over the next 75 years.
Andrew Manship
CEO Vanderlande Industries B.V.
75 years, 75 stories is een prachtig jubileumboek over de wereld van Vanderlande. Het laat zien hoe een bescheiden bedrijf uit Veghel uitgroeide tot wereldspeler op het gebied van logistieke procesautomatisering.